Bobble crochet stitch is similar to popcorn stitch in that you work all of the stitches into the same loop and secure them at the top. However, the stitches will not be fully complete as you work, and you will join them at the end without removing your hook from the work (in contrast to what would be done in popcorn stitch). Below are photographs and some illustrations for how to work a 5 dc bobble stitch.

Double crochet into the stitch where you are going to make your popcorn BUTleave the final loop on the hook. The steps to do this are: Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull through (three loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 2 of the loops. Note that to complete the double crochet you would yarn over again and pull through the last two loops, but you are skipping that step here.
Repeat the previous step four more times so that you have five not-quite-complete dc stitches worked into the same stitch. There will be six loops on the hook.

Yarn over and pull through all six loops. This closes your bobble crochet stitch.

Optional: Chain one. This step is used to secure the top of the bobble closed. Not all patterns call for this so be sure to check your instructions.
Bobbles can be worked in single crochet, double crochet, treble crochet, or longer stitches. Here are more examples:

Bobble made with 5 dtr

Dottie Throw uses a 3 sc bobble.